
Filter apparatus of the FUF 050 series from Filtrec

New FUF 050 Series

Why is it important to have clean and water-free fuel?

Over the past 20 years, the requirements of the emission standards for internal combustion engines have become more stringent every year.

To achieve these goals, manufacturers use high-pressure injection systems in their diesel engines.Today, common rail injection systems with pressures of up to 2500 bar are installed in almost all diesel engines.

The high pressures involved and the tight tolerances require appropriate levels of fluid cleanliness and control of the water content.

Indeed, solid contamination generates wear and erosion of the various injection system components, while the presence of water causes corrosion, reduced fuel efficiency and damage to the injectors.

For the reasons described above, it is absolutely necessary to use clean, water-free fuel in the latest generation of diesel engines.

Level of cleanliness required in the latest generation of diesel engines: between 16/14/12 and 13/11/9 according to ISO 4406.

Фільтраційний апарат Filtrec FUF 050 Series

Diesel Portable Unit

Витрата: 50 л/хв
Робоча температура:

від -10°C до +50°C

Напруга: 230 VAC 1PH
Частота: 50 ‐ 60 Гц
Споживана потужність: 1,6Kw
Розміри Д, Ш, В [мм]: 490X645X1006
Суха вага: 62 кг

Фільтруючі елементи: серія А522

G01-G03 – G06 – G10 – G25 – G40
Скловолокно з водовідведенням:

GW40 – AW40