#standWithUkraineWe work and supportthe Armed Forces of Ukraine! DESIGN PRODUCTION REPAIRSDETAILSHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS DESIGNING PRODUCTION SERVICEDETAILSPOWER PACKS HIGH PRESSURE HOSESDETAILSPRODUCTION INDUSTRIAL SEALS MACHININGDETAILS NAK company is the center where the most up-to-date projects are created in the field of hydraulics systems. PROFESSIONAL TEAM OF ENGINEERS MORE THAN 2500 PARTNERS IN THE WORLD OUR OFFERHydraulic cylinders productionHydraulic StationHigh and low pressure hosesHydraulic sealsComponents for hydraulic cylinders manufacturingHydraulicsHPH manufacturing equipment UniflexFilters and filter equipmentHydraulic tubes and tube fittingsCentralized Lubrication SystemsFire-resistant and heat-resistant materialsNORGREN pneumatics WHY WE ARE TRUSTED BY MORE THAN 2500 PARTNERS AND CUSTOMERS IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD?In the market since 2000Unique equipment for complex projects implementationProfessional teamCompliance with ISO 9001: 2008 management standardsStrict production controlStable relationships with suppliersOUR PARTNERS